The problem with online book clubs

Hello, hello, Reader.

Last week, I asked you to vote in my first in-email poll.

I asked what you'd like to see more of on The Book Devotions come autumn.

You definitely did NOT want a Q&A.

You mostly did NOT want an online book club.

These results were a relief for me!

Creating an online community where great discussions happen...can it be done?

There's something magical about in-person book clubs (Michele Morin describes it beautifully) but virtual ones just aren't the same. It's nearly impossible to recreate the experience in digital form.

Why is that?

I think it has something to do with how a virtual community is asynchronous, disembodied, and low-commitment.

When you show up at an in-person book club, you're physically present with other people at the same time, and you have a part to play in the overall success of each meeting (a high level of commitment).

That's a recipe for an enjoyable, meaningful time.

Virtual book clubs strive to bring this experience online, but it isn't the same.

Many online book clubs HAVE value—I'm not saying they don't—and members can enjoy them for what they are. But we can't ask them to do more than they're capable of doing.

I imagine some people join virtual book chats, forums, and threads with high hopes only to be disappointed by the limits of online book groups.

Sometimes, we simply MUST show up for each other in person.

What do you think? 🤔🤔🤔

Sooo...What DID you vote for, then?

You all RESOUNDINGLY (88%) want more hidden-gem book recommendations.

I can't wait to tell you about great books that are being written and published right now but flying way under the radar.

Stay tuned. I'll be developing this idea over the summer.

If you have ideas, suggestions, or recommendations, hit reply because I'm taking special requests! 🎉

Meet Lynn @ From Our Bookshelf

I'm so excited for you to meet Lynn, one of my favorite booklist makers.

She's my go-to for inspiring nonfiction recommendations, and I have a great deal of respect for her reading taste.

Get to know her better over at Library Binding. What's her literary pet peeve? What's her other passion besides reading? Find out and grab a few book recommendations while you're at it. 😊

Before the mountains were brought forth,
or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world,
even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.
–Psalm 90:2

Book Lover's Grab Bag

⚠️ Earlier this week, the U.S. Surgeon General called for a warning label on social media. If you're concerned about your (or your kids') social media addiction, now's the time to consider a change of heart and habit.

💊 How to break free from dopamine culture by the ever-entertaining Ted Gioia

🤓 A Guide to Booklegging: How (and why) to collect, preserve, and read the printed word by Ruth and Peco Gaskovski (a glut of booklists in this one)

As always, I'll leave you with one irresistible indulgence—if only it were a real place we could go.

Your devoted,


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