
The Book Devotions

Psst...want to make an author's day?

Published about 2 months ago • 1 min read

Are you a writer, Reader?

The reason I ask is because many readers also write.

I write this newsletter, for example, plus many other nice thingys.

But I've never written a book.

That would be hard.

Have you ever done it? Or tried it?

Hard! 😮‍💨

As a reader, I'm certain that I take for granted all the hard work that goes into the books I read. I can't fathom it.

For a mere $14.99 or $9.99 or (sheesh!) $1.99, I can buy the work of years, read it in a week, and review it in minutes.

Today, I want to show authors some LOVE!

Authors work hard. What they do is important. How can we support them (besides buying their books)?

I've been teasing this article in my last couple of newsletters, and it's ready for you!

Here are 9 easy ways you can support authors you love.

When I say "easy" I mean it.

You can probably do two or three of the things on this list in the time it takes to drink your morning coffee.

Please leave me a comment with other ideas that I didn't think of.

And go out there and shower an author with 💓.

If you love me, keep my commands.
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate
to help you and be with you forever—the Spirit of truth.
The world cannot accept him,
because it neither sees him nor knows him.
But you know him,
for he lives with you and will be in you.
—John 14:15–17

Book Lover's Grab Bag

📖 What Is Kindle Unlimited? All Your Questions Answered by Afoma at Reading Middle Grade. I sooo appreciate this cheat sheet.

🌱 Can moms have hobbies? "Hobbies might actually be the path that helps us figure things out and get on top of the details of our life." By Mystie Winkler

🚫 When God Says No—The Good Gift of Unanswered Prayer by Michele Morin. Jesus adamantly repeats that prayer why does it sometimes "not"?

As always, I'll leave you with one irresistible indulgence—this would make a hilarious gift for two lovebirds.

Your devoted,


P.S. Here are 9 easy ways to love on your favorite authors.

The Book Devotions

Michelle Watson

I'm a homeschool mom who loves to read. Every week, I email you book recommendations and reviews, fun printables, bits of bookish news. Come on over and read with us! We'd love to have you.

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