
The Book Devotions

☘️ March book reviews (revamped with new ⭐️s)

Published about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Hey there, Reader!

First things first. Happy Easter!

I've been reading about Christ's crucifixion with my two little boys. Our homeschool Bible curriculum just happened to line up perfectly with Easter, even though we haven't been following the day-by-day schedule to the letter.

Easter fills me with mixed emotions. I'm so profoundly sad when I read about the pain and humiliation and rejection that Jesus suffered, but my joy overflows when I read about His absolute victory over sin and death, fulfilling God's plan of redemption for us.

Our memory verse for the month is Galatians 2:20, "I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live." Every time I say it, I remember that I'm called to both die and live, day in and day out. Both are scary and require surrender. Both lead to fruitfulness and flourishing—a truth that I wish I could convey to every soul who is seeking, hurting, questioning.

However you observe the day, I pray that the Holy Spirit fills you with exactly what you need.

Now, onto the book reviews 🥁

Last week, I confessed that my star ratings haven't been consistent or nuanced enough.

So, in a fit of creativity, I redesigned my book review approach.

This month, you'll find the books I read here.

Click a thumbnail to read my review of that book—with the star-rating breakdown that I presented last week.

The best part? It's filterable. Click one of the categories at the top, and it'll show only the books in that category.

In the future, I'm going to add new book reviews to THIS list, and, Lord willing, I'm going to work on converting my past book reviews to this more dynamic format.

In the meantime, the old master list will still be available.

I know you're busy, so I'm going to wrap it up with one irresistible indulgence.

Your devoted,


P.S. Check out my most recent book reviews.

The Book Devotions

Michelle Watson

I'm a homeschool mom who loves to read. Every week, I email you book recommendations and reviews, fun printables, bits of bookish news. Come on over and read with us! We'd love to have you.

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