A romantic grab bag + more

Happy weekend, Reader.

My whole family has been laid up with a stomach bug and head cold this week, but thankfully we're on the mend. I sure hope you and yours are in good health!

Two quick things:

Fairy Tale February: The Last Lap

We're almost finished with Fairy Tale February. If you're new around here, some of us have challenged ourselves to read one fairy tale per day during February. Here's the full reading calendar if you want to catch up or finish early.

If you'd rather not get the last few Fairy Tale February emails, you can opt out here, but don't worry. You'll stay subscribed to everything else.

Want to add your idea to my upcoming article?

I'm writing an article about how readers can support authors they love. I've been reaching out to some authors for ideas, but I realized that YOU beautiful people may have some great ideas, too!

Think about an author you love. This person is writing books right now and hasn't yet risen to J. K. Rowling-level fame (but totally deserves it). How do you support this person's work? How do you show them love?

Click reply and tell me something you've done to support an author on his or her journey.

The heavens declare the glory of God;
and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.
Psalm 19:1–4

Book Lover's Grab Bag

πŸ’˜ So many great booklists were shared last week around Valentine's Day. Here are two:

🫢 If you're not into romances, but you do enjoy a romantic subplot, this excellent series has been keeping me company this week while I've been sick.

πŸ’― Laurel Ann Nattress from Austenprose has started a project called Jane Austen in 100 Objects. Her first article is all about Jane's portable writing desk. I'm here for this!

🌸 Speaking of Jane Austen, Puffin in Bloom just released three gorgeous editions of her work. Look at that luscious cover art on P&P, S&S, and Emma.

πŸ‘ I must say, I've been impressed by The New Jerusalem, a Substack co-authored by father-and-son duo, Andrew and Spencer Klavan. They write short emails back and forth to one another, discussing society, culture, and what it means to be human.

As always, I'll leave you with one irresistible indulgenceβ€”for those of us who want a purse that's a book holder first and foremost.

Your devoted,


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